
About Happy Healthy Mummy
Healthy from the inside out is a journey not the final product. We as women are so amazing at creating little creatures (with the help of man) and the natural instinct to do the best you can for them is at an all time high during pregnancy. To do the best you can for them is providing the healthiest (mentally and physically) Mumma, well before they are even thought of.
Once these little humans come along and consume our lives it is even more important to for you to be the healthiest you can be to provide a loving environment for them to thrive in.
I'm here to help! I'm here to simplify health so that it becomes so achievable and habitual you wouldn't have it any other way. This is achieved through specific, variable movement and training programs, nutrition, mindfulness and some pretty damn feel good tricks and tips for staying on top of the world!
I am a Health Professional, that is Personal Trainer and Health Coach who truly believes a balanced lifestyle full of variety is the key to happiness. I specialise in Pregnancy, Birthing preparation and Post Natal health and Fitness, based in the Whitsundays running group sessions and One-on-One for Pregnancy and Post Natal health and fitness that include birthing preparation, pelvic floor health, mobility, personalised workout circuits, recovery/regeneration, postural alignment, breathing strategies and motherhood movement patterns.
​I also know that keeping a balanced lifestyle with variety can be incredibly tricky. The ability to step back re-assess and know that something is out of whack then to tweak a few things or set in motion the changes, is just as important. I experience this first hand with, now an almost 2 year old and baby #2 on the way.
Providing you with the best care

Ashlee Lade
Ashlee loves working with members on a holistic approach to health, focusing on living pain free and being able to move well. Being a Mum herself, working with youth to achieve a strong foundation of healthy movement patterns and lifestyle choices has been a strong focus and recently specialising in Pregnancy/Post Natal Health and Fitness.

Professional Bubble
I work with your preferred health professionals to create the ideal team completely focused on your health & wellbeing. We work with the other health professionals in your life, because as a team we are stronger and together can offer you the best support for creating a healthy lifestyle.