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Essential Oils



My mission is to empower women with tools and strategies to experience and maintain a healthy and fit pregnancy & life so they can enjoy it’s beauty, the birth and their amazing babe while promoting essential healing postpartum.




  • There are 200 drops per 15ml bottle of essential oil

  • When you make your purchase we are here to help with any questions you have!

  • You may love the oils so much you can’t stop talking about them and begin sharing with your friends and family - If so might decide to start your own doTERRA business. We’re to help with that too.




Once you have joined our team of oil loving bandits and started taking action towards you and your family’s health - you will receive a FREE Ebook explaining how to use the oils and how to create each of the combinations including dilutions and applications.


If you have a specific enquiries or issues you would like help with please contact us directly for personalised combinations. We are always so happy to help and share.









Introduction to Oils
Did you Know?
Let's Get Started - Best Way + Specific Combinations below....
Pregnancy & Labour

Pregnancy is such an amazing time of your life and although seems like forever at the time is really such a short time. With so many ups and downs, supporting your physical and emotional health is never more important than now for both Mum and Bubs.

New Mumma
4th Trimester

Nourish your body and mind from the inside-out to be the best Mumma you can be. We can all do with as much support as possible here, a healthy happy mummy = a healthy happy family. You are the nurturer, driver and decider of health for you and your family.

Baby Love

We do our best to select organic and nourishing food for baby and eliminating chemicals in products, take that little extra time to create an environment conducive for true health.

How To Order - You become part of our tribe with our on-going support so your oils never find themselves unused on a shelf.
  1. Select & click on the combo you wish to purchase - you can change and add extra oils as you wish at checkout. (We absolutely suggest the best value way to start is with one of the Wholesale starter kits - family or home essentials and add extra oils as you desire, remember you can always easily order through your own wholesale account anytime after your initial kit - So start a wishlist!)

  2. Select your country e.g. Australia - Continue 

  3. Select your preferred ordering e.g. Local - this is what you will choose if you are based in Australia - continue 

  4. Select how you would like to purchase​

    • If you think you might want to share with friends and family or possibly start a business - select ‘Wellness Advocate’ (you will earn commissions and bonuses) 

    • If you know you just want to order for yourself select ‘Wholesale Customer’

  5. Complete your personal details - if the Enroller ID is blank enter: 5501092 to receive your bonus Ebook and our ongoing support! - Continue 

  6. Select your starter kit + add any extra’s you wish to purchase

    • Or select the oils in the combination you chose + Enrolment package $35AUS (The prices included this)

    • For all purchases there is an $8 postage fee that has not been included.

  7. Finalise your shipping and payment details - process order now & Continue

  8. WOOHOOO Wait for your oils to arrive and let’s chat! I will get in contact with you to arrange a Skype or coffee catch up to go through your oils so that you can truely get the most out of them!!



This (any information found within this site) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. if you experience any medical conditions and always check with your health professional if you suffer any medical conditions, experience any adverse or side effects.

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