Who Am I and Why I Am Here

Ok, so this isn’t some kind of miracle story with a light bulb moment or life changing events. I guess this is my real life progress to a balanced, ‘healthy’ lifestyle.
As a kiddie and teenager I always played sports, basketball, swimming and hockey both locally and for rep teams. I participated in school athletic and swimming tournaments and was the first to attempt any kind of physical activity somewhat for the competitive side in me and also because I just loved it. We grew up eating home cooked meals full of vegies and takeaway was a rarity, pasta was always eaten the night before a big event, toast and cereals for breakfast and snacks were always fruit.
I have always been active ‘hit the gym 6 days a week and go for a 5-10k run once a week’, eaten a ‘so-called-mainstream-healthy’ diet and had a balanced work-play lifestyle ‘work 7 days but I liked the people I worked with and frequently pulled all nighters partying Fri-Sun’
Eventually my then boyfriend-now husband complained more that we never spent time together and when I no longer lived with my best friends it was harder to make time to see them. Finding time to prepare good food was getting tricky and the sugar hits usually in the form of red bull were becoming more frequent. I justified this by continuing to hit the gym everyday.
Someone at my gym suggested I train with a new trainer there doing small group PT. When I started he asked that I trust him as a trainer and try to train with him just the 2 days a week for the next 3 weeks, without adding all the additional sessions I was currently doing to see how I felt overall. Wow, how hard was that! I truly struggled with this the first 2 weeks but soon realised the value in all this extra time I had. I was soon looking better than I had ever before, I felt amazing, my nutrition improved and less time training meant more time for friends and family. My quality of life improved, I soon realised the true meaning of quality over quantity! This trainer whom you will most probably hear a lot more of in my blogs has become my mentor and friend, I am also very lucky to learn from him as he is a highly regarded professional in the fitness industry. And so began my drive and passion to help people achieve real health…..
I followed my Personal training education with Institute of Motion mentorships which have changed my life and everyone I coach to bring true Health to the fitness industry. Health is far more than a workout, stress, sleep mangement strategies, nutrition, movement, physical daily activities teamed with structured variable exercise and LOVE!
When I fell pregnant with my son about 2 years later, I was still training wth Jan and only 3 times a week with a 'Just Eat Real Food' approach to nutrition. I had a great pregnancy with no health issues and a natural birth, thats not to say an easy or quick labour or birth but natural. I continued to train smart, well guided and move well until the week I had my baby. My recovery was smooth and I was back 'moving' smart within weeks and had continued my good food habits right through pregnancy then into post natal with an emphasis on gut and collagen healing foods to promote rejuvenation from the inside. These lifestyle factors plus more including stress management and good hydration increased the whole positive experience leading into parenting (WOW that's a whole other level) and my body's ability to recover. With pregnancy, birthing and post natal having such a stigma or pain and negative body image I wanted to promote all the amazing positives that we are capable, if we only take time to truely nourish ourselves so that we can give the best of us to these little humans and only pray they grow with the same positive habits and attitude to life ❤️
My passion for womens health brought me to the Jenny Burrell education on Pregnancy, birthing and Post Natal Advanced CPD in functional exercise and preparation, with a true focus on holistic healing leading to health and fitness I now had the support network to bring to women!
So, ladies let's do this together because YOU are amazing!