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Pelvic Floor Exercises Explained

What do your pelvic floor (kegels) exercises look like?

Whole body integration is crucial for pelvic floor health. This is how we train the Pelvic Floor in the Powerful Pregnancy and Happy Healthy Mummy sessions.

Flexing your muscles 💪🏼 isn't enough to build bicep strength right? This is the equivalent of 'stopping the flow of urine' as a pelvic floor exercise. Not good enough!

Come on ladies this is a lifelong investment - we all want to be jumping on the trampoline with our kids and not peeing our pants when we have to move quickly and suddenly! 🏃🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️

We need to incorporate Breathing! 💨 Time your breathing with the pelvic floor 'squeeze and lift' (Lift being a key piece most women are missing)

Let's start Here! ✳️

Go and practise breathing with the 'kegels' as often as you can every day! Then look out for the next piece of the puzzle!

1. Breathe in RELAX (this is just as important as a too tight pelvic floor will give you as many issues as not tight enough) - Relax everything!! Let the ribcage expand and air fill the tummy

2. Squeeze 'stop the flow of urine and poop' and gently lift the pelvic floor towards the chest AS you breathe out.

3.. The abdominal should naturally activate as you breathe out

4. Keep shoulders relaxed! Rinse and Repeat!

**Send me some vids and questions if your not quite sure your doing right of your tummy and shoulders that is 😂

I'd love to know if this helps you and/or you learnt something new 😉

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