Easy One-Pot Summer Mango Chicken

Chaos usually kicks off in our house right about dinner prep time and pre-kids it was a get home from work chore— sound familiar?
I’m usually juggling a hungry-dirty 2 year old and a hungry-right-now newborn by that 5pm mark, so dinner prep is either rushed, minimal or stop-and-start.
Keeping meals nutritionally full is a high priority for me, so being organised with meals teamed with easy recipes are the two main ways our family stays healthy even during the tough and time-poor times which is usually when it’s most important!
I like to prep dinner while I’m either getting breakie or lunch sorted so I can relax! This week while I was running low on ingredients and time, I came up with this little mix that can be put together quickly and ahead of time (if you’re missing an ingredient simply substitute with something you do have or skip it - don’t stress!) ;) Enjoy!
Summer Mango Chicken Recipe
8 Bone-in chicken cutlets (you can use fillets if you prefer)
4 Mangoes (I used some frozen mango I had cut up and kept in the freezer)
Curry powder mix (either bought or homemade)
2 Cloves Garlic
1cm Cube Ginger
Fresh Parsley chopped (I had in the garden it’s going crazy at the moment)
Fresh Chilli sliced (Also growing crazy at the moment-I sprinkled this on only half the chicken so my toddler wasn’t over spiced)
3 x Carrots sliced - not too small
1 x Large Sweet Potato Diced 2cm Cubes (or you can use a couple of white potatoes)
1 x Onion - I didn’t use this as I’m out voted by onion haters in our house at the moment
Pre-heat oven 180C
Throw diced potato and carrots (onions too if using) into an oven proof dish
Place Chicken Cutlets onto of the potato and carrots single layer if possible
Blitz Mango flesh, Curry powder mix, Cumin, Turmeric, Garlic, Ginger & Cinnamon in a nutri-bullet/or simple mix in a bowl (no big if mango is chunky)
Pour mango sauce over the chicken
Top with chopped parsley and sliced chilli
Place the dish in the oven for 40-50mins
Hot Tip - You can absolutely make up this mango sauce and have in a jar in the fridge ready to use anytime!
Much love Ash xx